Wednesday, August 13, 2008


STREET TALK, originally uploaded by joewig.

I find that there's a special dynamic in this moment that I've seen countless times before because it usually involved me.

There's a connection and mutual respect between this seemingly oddball combination; at first glance you might not see that these two share something in common. But upon further examination, they do--it's the "people connection"; truth of the matter is: it really doesn't matter what we look like to the world or even to each other, but as long as we can make a connection with each other, nothing else really matters. Not economic background, not culture, not beliefs, not even color, race or ethnicity.

That's the nature of REAL contact with another human being. Wonderful thing to behold

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I have been an avid people photographer for over 20 years. However, since spring 2006, I have turned to the thrill of shooting street photography. My passion for it has taken me to the sidewalks, parks, corners, alleys, subways (and even elevators) of New York City. I have chosen B&W as my preferred format as I find it more compelling to view my subjects. It is my hope that you will enjoy some of the images I've discovered as I continue to learn and grow as a street photography artist.