Monday, September 17, 2007


THE RUBBERBAND MAN, originally uploaded by joewig.

This is one of my favorite shots because it's so common in NYC but so difficult to capture. During the usual hustle and bustle, some people are invariably rude and obnoxious, while others are kind and forgiving; fortunately opposites tend to run into each other. News is made when two of the first order run into each other

This man has graciously moved aside--bending like a willow tree in the rain--to let this harried woman get by who--mind you--has her bag strapped over her shoulder clutched tightly to her side out of fear that someone might snatch it (God forbid). You can tell she's not really as mean as her actions make her seem by her two-step.

While the dance is caught here for all to see, they never even took the time to find out each other's name.

"I'm in a New York state of mind"....

Thursday, September 13, 2007


PUSHING MY BAG OF BOTTLES, originally uploaded by joewig.

Almost a year ago I shot this gentleman while he was in line to collect some cash for his trash (bottles and can--my how time flies) and looking at it again is still heart wrenching. Not that I look to take shots like this--I don't--but this is the reality of living in NYC--for some people, this is a way of life and my street photography would be remiss if I deleted scenes like this. They are part of the reality around us, has been and will probably continue to be for some time considering no one really cares enough to make a difference for people like him.

His eyes are empty because he's been living on automatic pilot. This is the way he is living his life and he hasn't found another way to survive. I won't make conjectures on his lifestyle or what preceded him doing this, but where he is isn't a good place to be. Pushing his bag of bottles to get loose change is--for the moment--the most honest way he's found he can acquire the money to support himself.

God bless him and equip him to step out from under his bag of bottles and find a better way because there is a better way.

I have been an avid people photographer for over 20 years. However, since spring 2006, I have turned to the thrill of shooting street photography. My passion for it has taken me to the sidewalks, parks, corners, alleys, subways (and even elevators) of New York City. I have chosen B&W as my preferred format as I find it more compelling to view my subjects. It is my hope that you will enjoy some of the images I've discovered as I continue to learn and grow as a street photography artist.