Monday, June 18, 2007


TAKE US TO THE PARTY!, originally uploaded by joewig.

Or rather to the partay!!! They were on their way somewhere in a hurry. Couldn't see where they headed because I saw the moment and wanted to make sure I caught. They weren't loud, just a little raucous and in the mood for some fun. Where would they be going at lunch time to have a partay, I wonder? Maybe they just "enjoy their jobs". LOL

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I have been an avid people photographer for over 20 years. However, since spring 2006, I have turned to the thrill of shooting street photography. My passion for it has taken me to the sidewalks, parks, corners, alleys, subways (and even elevators) of New York City. I have chosen B&W as my preferred format as I find it more compelling to view my subjects. It is my hope that you will enjoy some of the images I've discovered as I continue to learn and grow as a street photography artist.