Monday, June 18, 2007


JOKING AROUND, originally uploaded by joewig.

This takes me way way back to my college days. I guess I would have been the skinny on the right with the some of the hair of the one on the left. (What a combo).

I'm not saying my college days were a breeze--who's were?--but I found time to enjoy just hanging out with my friends between classes or during breaks. Fortunately I never lost my desire to laugh. My wife says that it's one of the reasons she was drawn into my life. There's so much drama in most of our lives, it takes someone special to be able to enjoy a good laugh in the midst of it. (I never looked at it that way. Although I am a serious, I learned not to take myself too seriously or it would weigh down my very spirit.

Can't have that can we?

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I have been an avid people photographer for over 20 years. However, since spring 2006, I have turned to the thrill of shooting street photography. My passion for it has taken me to the sidewalks, parks, corners, alleys, subways (and even elevators) of New York City. I have chosen B&W as my preferred format as I find it more compelling to view my subjects. It is my hope that you will enjoy some of the images I've discovered as I continue to learn and grow as a street photography artist.